How to hide a drive in computer?

Step 1: Open the Registry Editor.If you don’t know, type “regedit”(without quotes) in Start Menu Search box and hit enter.

Step 2: Go to the following key in the Registry Editor:

Step 3: Create a new 32-bit DWORD value called “NoDrives” (again,without quotes) in the right side pane.

Step 4: Now, right click on it and select ‘Edit’.Next,change the option of the ‘Basis’ to ‘Decimal’.

Step 5: Enter the below values to hide specific drives:

A = 1
B = 2
C = 4
D = 8
E = 16
F = 32
G = 64
H = 128
I = 256
J = 512
K = 1024
L = 2048
M = 4096
N = 8192
O = 16384
P = 32768
Q = 65536
R = 131072
S = 262144
T = 524288
U = 1048576
V = 2097152
W = 4194304
X = 8388608
Y =16777216
Z = 33554432
All drives = 67108863

Step 6: System reboot required to take effect.

NOTE: You can access your drive by typing the drive letter on the addressbar.


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