This type of virus enters into computer through some ports which are opened by default. SASSER virus invented in the year 2003 which enters into the computers which are installed with windows 2000 and windows xp operating systems.
The fault in these products like 'Buffer overflow' lead them to develop such a virus it automatically enters if the computer has internet connection. when it is entered into the system it automatically shuts down the system. now patch programs are available to prevent such viruses.
2.BEAST (Trogen horse)
This is the first virus which implemented 'Reverse connection' mechanism with this the virus programmer can have full control over the affected system. This virus was developed using Delphi programming language and it was created by Tattaye. Now also some innovated versions of this virus are available.
This virus implemented the method of 'Denail of service' which are mainly used to break the websites. This is invented in the year 2003 and within 10 minutes it is affected by more than 75000 computers which is also having the operating system failure 'Buffer overflow'.
Protection against sql slammer
4.I LOVE YOU virus
This is a mail attached virus which is having the name 'LOVE-LETTER-FORYOU.
TXT.vbs'. it is created using a visual basic script and attached with mails but it will not be having the extension '.vbs' it will be showing the extension '.txt' with that user will suddenly open and the cript will get executed.
TXT.vbs'. it is created using a visual basic script and attached with mails but it will not be having the extension '.vbs' it will be showing the extension '.txt' with that user will suddenly open and the cript will get executed.
it was first found in the year 2000 in Philippians was developed by Reyomel lameras and his friend onel de gusmen. when it attacks a computer it destroys the mail server and mail client and forwards the mail to all contacts and it was a big problem for the business corporates. This virus having a record that the most affected virus in the year 2002.
5. NIMDA virus
It is the reverse form of ADMIN this virus automatically sends a README.exe file and destroys the web pages and automatically downloaded into the local system when a webpage is visited. It shares the local folders into web servers and changes the functioning of executable files in the system and spreads itself to all other computers. computers including different class of operating systems are affected by this virus.
6. MYDOOM virus
This virus having the record that the fast spreader virus in the year 2004. it spreads through mails which is having the word 'andy; I'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry,' which means that the inventor of this virus done this for money or for just a time pass. Russia is the invented country of this virus.
This virus program was created as it will automatically stops its attack on 2002 February 12 and it was used to attack the financial companies in America.

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